The Project Node recognises that Projects are the conduits between Programme Objectives and the activity to realise them where delivery is finite. Projects may be strategic, or tactical (e.g. to deliver outputs to support outcomes and benefits or to deliver business as usual outputs). References to respected publications are made, and assumptions around programme management are offered to provide context for the Project Node.
A Governance agenda is provided which covers:
Progress and Status - This section looks backwards and picks up overall Project progress/performance/issues, escalations and exceptions, summary of cost/resources.
Prediction – a look forward and prediction of outputs and confidence trends in the achievement of those. This section of the dashboard and meeting includes a review of forecast timeline, overall costs, resource issues, review of risks, and resources commitment.
Enablers – this section covers a re-statement or review of the overall Project goals and imperatives stated as objectives/challenges (have there been any changes in underlying drivers) and their status, customer feedback and health/safety metrics.
Each agenda is broken down into sections, wherein topics are listed and described with inputs and outputs. A final topic is provided to discuss the varying information needs during the lifecycle of a project.
Further information is available within the Core P3M Data Club including the detailed materials underpinning the node definition to support the Project agenda.
Further work is expected to share implementation stories, capture further MI examples and project scenarios, which depend on the contribution from volunteers (practitioners, consultants and tool vendors).
Link to content here.
Projects ‘Governance Agenda’