The Core P3M Data Club is made up of volunteers. We have no staff and minor expenses which goodwill from people cover.
Some people give a lot of time and energy. For example, Ricardo Santos and Adam Simmonds have spent time setting up the website and managing publicity. Cris Nitescu has spent time generating and presenting material for events. Pamela Schure advises on content, marketing approach and provided Product expertise. Then there is the leadership team to date and the new Directors who have, and will continue to give up time. To date – over 80 actual contributors on the material and through recent webinar / workshops.
All we ask from our memberships is – if you take a little out, please put a little in.
The people that volunteer and put a lot in don’t need paying or gratitude – but involvement would be great. We know this subject matter is really high value – but it will not develop unless WE (all of us) chip in something. Can you:
- Tell us if you spot a mistake on the website?
- Feedback on the content you use (for free)?
- Comment on and use the Praxis Pages?
- Join in workshops?
- Share the posts we make?
- Offer up problems to solve?
- Anecdotes for which BIG has been / would be the solution?
- Look at the partners that enable us to run events?
- Raise discussion topics?
- Help us run the club?
- Perhaps even make a small donation to our funding?
Please Contact Us or say hello through our LinkedIn / Twitter pages – we’d love to engage you more!