The Core P3M Data Club has been established for over 2 years, and has a broad board of directors.​

The  Club a great story and collateral to share​

 – Public website and LinkedIn Pages​

 – Published in Praxis​

 – Recognition – David Dunning has been invited into the BSI G/1 Governance Committee as a result of leading the development of BIG​

We have a Community Interest basis, and 560+ group members. Over 100 people have donated their time and energy.​

We have already generated lots of content and presentation material for the public domain, including:​

 – 16 major documents released through concept, draft review and development.​

 – 40+ presentations from MI examples, to development documents, to webinar materials​

 – 3 APM webinar recordings, 12 x 1 hour+ video recordings

Our activity also supports, 2 websites, 2 LinkedIn pages, and 21 folders with development content in various states of preparation.​

As the Core P3M Data Club widens and grows, it has some basic expenses to cover. We wish to develop further, and share more widely.​

We have plans for what we would like to do, and know what need to do it. We need £5000 in total to run a basic set of functions for the year. With more we can do more.​

We are looking for a small number of donations from some business integrated governance partners and beneficiaries (Sponsors) so that we can continue provide this knowledge to our community on a voluntary basis.​

For Sponsors, we can offer publicity and brand association, networking / professional development opportunities – and of course, significant evidence of community support.​

Please donate £500+ to be a Founding Sponsor.​

We have provided some more background material here (!AscRj7Bfp6vQguckgGyUwjkxSlcYMg?e=dhID0K)  but please contact David Dunning ( to find out more.